Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Cream! ... or Snow Playdoh!

So, my mom always told me this was kind of gross and dirty. She didn't recommend I eat it, and she probably won't like that I'm promoting it online. However, one of my best friends in elementary school always made snow cream when it snowed. It was a fun little cooking experiment and we always enjoyed eating the treat. So, if you put a bowl out now, you might be able to collect some 'clean' snow on our day off to make some! 

In addition to your 8 cups of snow, you'll also need:
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Once you've collected your snow, blend the milk and vanilla together.  Mix in the snow and stir until you get an ice-cream consistency. Add some jimmies on top and you've got a perfect snow day dessert!

If that isn't your style, maybe you can just make some homemade snow-day play-doh (from themarathonmom) :

Sparkly Snow Playdough

  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 Tablespoons cream of tartar
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
  • one small container sparkly white glitter
  1. In medium saucepan, and with burner OFF, combine dry ingredients and stir.
  2. Add liquid ingredients and stir again.
  3. With burner on LOW, stir until the mixture is VERY thick, about two minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and allow to cool a bit.
  5. Add glitter and then knead dough until smooth.
  6. Store in ziploc bag or plastic dish with lid.

Whatever you do, stay safe and warm and enjoy the day off from school!


  1. we loved making snow ice cream when the kids were little. we even splurged- with chocolate syrup on top!

  2. We I was a kid we made snow cones when it would snow. I would love to make snow ice cream. Unfortunately all yhe stray animals in my neighborhood use my yard as the community bathroom...
